Thursday, 23 July 2009


My devotion to Apple technology has cropped up countless times in conversation with friends, associates and fellow photographers. The short answer is that Apple are sublime exponents of form and function. Their stuff has been really thought through. The way it looks, the way it feels, the ease of use for human beings, the connectivity, the reliability. It's all of that. But I guess Apple, despite being a pretty big company, will always be the the maverick when compared to the really big guys. That also appeals to me.

I always prefer the road less travelled. And AppIe are led by a visionary, a genius, and a maverick, not an accountant or a technician. This matters to me. I think like Apple thinks, I like companies and people who really think about the very best solution, revolutionaries who change the world and move things on. Apple have made life so much easier, more productive, more enjoyable and, in truth, more amazing for us photographers, and for musicians, film producers, designers and almost anybody in the creative industries. It's a great marriage.
In the end, with Apple you either dig it or you don't. Either way is cool. But if you dig Apple, explanations are ever necessary.

This old TV ad of Apple's says it more cutely. I mean, even their ads are cooler :)

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